Jaw Crushers

颚式破碎机是一种压缩型机器,它粉碎移动的钢板和静止的钢板之间的材料. They are used for primary and sometimes secondary size reduction.


颚式破碎机是由伊莱惠特尼布莱克在1858年首次推出的双开关颚式破碎机. Introduced in 1906, 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的通用颚式破碎机是第一个现代时代架空偏心颚式破碎机之一. On the overhead eccentric style Jaw Crusher, 运动摆动爪是悬挂在偏心轴与重型双辊球面滚子轴承.

摆动颚经历两种运动:一种是向相反腔侧的摆动运动(由于拨动板的作用而称为静止颚模), and the second is a vertical movement due to the rotation of the eccentric. 这些组合运动压缩和推动物料通过粉碎室在预定的尺寸.

而颚式破碎机大多被用作系统中材料减少的第一阶段,可能使用几个破碎机来完成电路, the Jaw Crusher has also been used as a second-stage crushing unit. Depending on the application requirements, Jaw Crushers can be used in stationary, wheeled portable and track-mounted locations. The Jaw Crusher is well suited for a variety of applications, including rock quarries, sand and gravel, 矿业, construction and demolition recycling, construction aggregates, road and railway construction, 冶金, water conservancy and chemical industry.

How Jaw Crushers Work

A Jaw Crusher uses compressive force for breaking material. This mechanical pressure is achieved by the crusher's two jaws dies, one of which is stationary and the other is movable. 这两个垂直的锰颚式模具形成一个v形腔,称为破碎腔, where the top of the crushing chamber is larger than the bottom. Jaw Crushers are sized by the top opening of the crushing chamber. For example, 一个32 × 54颚式破碎机测量32“从颚模到颚模在顶部开口或开口和54”跨越两个颚模的宽度.

破碎腔底部较窄的开口用于对出料进行分级. 拨动板和拉杆紧靠在移动摆动颚的底部. 该开关板被设计成像保险丝一样工作,并在不可破碎的材料进入破碎腔时保护破碎机. As a rule, Jaw Crushers have a 6:1 or 8:1 ratio for crushing material. Still using the 32 x 54 Jaw Crusher example, 进入破碎腔的上料尺寸必须遵循F80规则,即上料尺寸的80%小于间隙开口. Using the F80 rule with the 32 x 54 Jaw Crusher, the 32” gape opening equals a 26” top sized feed, and with the 6:1 ratio of reduction, the discharge setting would be around 4”.

由于物料的破碎不是在偏心轴的一次行程中完成的, 巨大的重量飞轮附着在偏心轴上,由电机驱动. 飞轮传递粉碎物料所需的惯性,直到物料通过出料口.

Why 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Jaw Crushers

超过110年的工程和客户服务经验,使客户跑到麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,以满足他们的生产目标. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Jaw Crushers are proudly made in the USA and have imperial designs. 多年来,我们的草根设计与倾听客户对菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全改进的需求相结合, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全提供传统的液压垫片调节颚式破碎机以及h系列颚式破碎机,具有液压排出设置调节功能, 在现场断电(一旦恢复供电)的情况下调整动态腔室清理和自动复位过载事件的液压救济.

Whether the traditional hydraulic-shim adjustment or the H-Series Jaw Crushers, 这两种机器都有一个积极的夹角,在整个破碎室提供一致的破碎, which leads to increased production and less downtime on maintenance.

With years of engineering experience, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全能够为您的应用推荐并提供正确的颚式破碎机.

Frequently Asked Questions About Jaw Crushers

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  • Maximum material lump, or largest size expected to be crushed
  • Tons per hour rate needing to be crushed
  • Desired size of discharge material needed
  • Operating hours per day.

F100 is the maximum gape opening on a Jaw Crusher. F80 is the feed size to the Jaw Crusher, calculated by taking 80 times the gape opening divided by 100. P80 is the percent passing the closed side setting in tph.

The Jaw Crusher is designed to handle this feed, but limits are:

  • Do not exceed the F80 rule on top size. This happens at times, just not a steady rate.
  • 在进入破碎室之前,应将与封闭侧设置相等的细物料移出.

A best practice, if possible, is to blend the material arriving from the source. This will ensure a constant and well-graded feed to the crushing chamber. 反过来, 这将产生稳定的TPH速率,并促进颗粒间破碎,有助于打破任何扁平或细长的材料. 它还有助于锰爪模的等量加工硬化,延长爪模的使用寿命.

Usually a Jaw Crusher is in an open circuit, 但是,如果返回负荷不大于总进料的20%,并且原进料中没有小于封闭侧设置的细粒,则可以在闭路中使用.

这两个 shim and hydraulic styles of adjustment perform the same task. Below is a list of items to help decide which is right for you.

  • 如果你的颚式破碎机的关闭侧设置每六个月或更大调整一次, a traditional shim adjust may be a better investment.
  • If making adjustments to your Jaw Crusher's closed side setting more frequently, 通过使用按钮控制,可以减少花在调整上的时间,并将更多的时间分配给生产.
  • 如果你的工地停电了,你花了半天的时间挖出破碎室,并试图限制飞轮,使移动的摆动颚不会旋转到破碎室工人的放松位置, 一旦电力恢复,在液压系统的帮助下,大约一小时内可以从外部安全清除该腔室.
  • h系列颚式破碎机仍然使用具有传递破碎动作和保险丝保护破碎机主要部件双重目的的拨动板. 也使用现成的银行液压缸,提供不固定铁的救济,并自动复位到封闭侧设置的最后存储设定点.

With decades of engineering experience, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 is able to provide the correct Jaw Crusher for an application.

特性 & 好处
  • Rigid one-piece fabricated base frame for unmatched durability and strength
  • Massive cast steel pitman for brute shock loads
  • 深破碎室和大偏心轴偏移结合一个陡峭的切换角产生更多的压缩力在整个破碎室
  • Large balanced flywheels supply continuous inertia to the crushing action
  • Lock pins on each side of the base frame hold the pitman safely for maintenance
  • Reversible manganese jaw dies for long-life use
  • 开关板设计为保险丝,以保护破碎机免受不稳定铁事件的影响
  • h系列颚式破碎机提供额外的液压出料设置调整, chamber clearing and automatic tramp iron relief with auto-reset

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